REFERENCE NO: 2020-1-HU01-KA202-078757
Gymnázium – Gimnázium, Horešská 18, Kráľovský Chlmec
Feasibility Report from Gymnázium – Gimnázium. Reflection on the presentations carried out during the first partner meeting
We learnt much during the 1st partner meeting. The issue of career guidance has always been an important issue in the educational policy of our institution being a secondary grammar school preparing students for university studies.
We could compare our approach to career guidance with this of the first lecturer of the meeting. The organisation making the presentation focused on young people still in school or at university or further education. So do we via the assistance of our two specialists of our pedagogical staff: the Career Counsellor and the Educational Counsellor. Our career guidance services, however, are almost 100% university-studies related, i.e., our specialists help our students to choose a university which matches their interests, abilities and talents.
The thing we found very appealing was the recurrent issue of IT being of crucial importance in the process of entering the labour market. Developing of digital literacy of our learners and forming young people with high-level IT skills belong to the main long-term goals of our school. We are also aware of the need of effective communication with the parents of our learners. We believe that by
The presentation that inspired us most was the one which highlighted the changes taking place in the labour market brought about by developments in technology and the impact of COVID19. We are sure that the chart with the 15 qualifications that will be most in demand in the next 5 years can be very interesting in terms of motivation of our students. These qualifications are a perfect example of the future need of soft skills instead of specific skills. They represent a challenge for the educational system of our country as well as the school curriculum to modify their contents according to the latest trends, visions, and prognoses.