Increase the prestige of VET through career guidance tools
March 23rd 2022 - March 24th 2022
The essentials of cooperation between vocational school and partner associations for vocational training and the responsibility of the individual organizations for their training part were in focus during the 2-day stay at the Austrian partner. A summary or compilation of best practice examples were presented.
At the third partner meeting, the vocational school for the construction industry and the partner associations presented how they find students and motivate them for vocational training. The partner associations provided examples of training in the construction industry in Vienna.
First Day
The guests were welcomed by the hosts; Mr. Thomas Bäuerl, School Quality Manager, Board of Education for Vienna pronounced the opening speech. He also introduced the assignment of the Board of Education and the Ministry of Education. Afterwards Mr. Bäuerl talked about the problem overcoming the shortage of skilled workers and that apprenticeship is a successful model for the future as the demand is increasing. Apprenticeship is reducing risks for unemployment. As the world skill competition shows, the dual education system might be the right way as the apprentice performance show very successful participation in the international comparison.
Following the short look at the Austrian apprentice situation of the construction industry, Mr. Gernot Kulle, Headmaster of BSBAU, introduced the vocational school for the industrial industry and the dual education system. There are 14 different apprenticeship educations such as e. g. building assistant, architectural draughtsperson, paver, tiler and underground construction at the Austrian vocational school. Approximately one third is in a bricklayer training. Currently there are 890 students in total (10% female) at the BSBAU. An important focus is on traditional building crafts as well as on skills. BSBAU has the status of an expert+ school for extraordinary achievements (gold medal, awarded by the Ministry of Education).
After the lecture, a guided visit of the school´s venues followed. The Erasmus + partners could get an insight into the different construction crafts living the dual system of practical and theoretical education.
Afterwards Mr. Thomas Prigl, Vice Headmaster BSBAU, gave an introduction about the Austrian education system with a special look on the dual education system of the vocational training which is called VET – abbreviation for the Vocational Education and Training. This was an interesting part from the point of view of our school; with our unique curriculum including professional and skill-oriented approach to study, we could get inspiration from the amount of practice; more exactly, the ration between the practical study and theory. Of course, being a grammar school, we can hardly relate to the Austrian partner or to the dual system. However, we perceive the importance of networking – not only with schools of different level, but also with a variety of firms, companies and enterprises.
The next point of the programme was Ms. Shirly Pitz´s presentation about the education and counselling apprentices and about graduation coaching programs. Ms. Pitz is a KUS Project Coordinator and social worker. We learnt that KUS offers preparation for final apprenticeship leave exams as well as for higher education entrance exam and other supporting lectures. Apprentices are also entitled to take the offer of psychotherapy, coaching, assistance for homeless apprentices as well as classes in sports and attendance in cultural offers. This social context was very appealing, and we realize the growing need of taking similar actions in the region our school is located.
Professional guidance was the next topic. Mr. Roland Schojer, Head of BIWI explained us how they deal with the possibility for talent orientation. BIWI gives career guidance and information for young persons in the age of 14 to 20. The main mission of the BIWI is to inform about job and career possibilities as well as connecting schools, companies, students and parents. This was nothing new for us; companies like BIWI exist in our country too so we could relate with the topic quite easily.
From the perspective of professional growth of teachers, we found really enriching the presentation of Ms. Margit Pollek, Coordination of eEducation Austria, from the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education. Ms Pollek talked about goals of eEducation in Austria and the importance to ease access to future occupational fields. Constant working on improvement of one´s competences is crucial when being a teacher; if this leads to expertise (moreover using digital platforms and application) it is a valuable added value.
Second Day
Ms. Petra Karacs talked about the background and meaning of acquisition. Porr´s Human Ressources department is responsible for picking and supervision of the apprentices. The chances for a career in a company like Porr have to be made clear and used. The importance of the apprentices is high, apprentices will be the leading workers of tomorrow. The idea we liked most was that “Porr” does not only acknowledge the importance of building skills, but also the importance of relationships connecting the workers and the importance of personality development.
Next Mr. Christian Dobianer, teacher at the BSBAU and vice guildmaster of floorlayers in Vienna talked about the so called “hammer-apprenticeship”, a campaign trying to get youths interested in doing an apprenticeship.
Then, Mr. Andreas Hauser from the BAUAkademie Wien, the BuildingAcademy Vienna talked about the special position he had with the BAUAkademie, which is neither a school in a classic sense nor a company. The students are apprentices, who could not get a job in a regular company, they get trained on the job to learn all the necessary skills, therefor being able to start working in a company when the occasion is here. The goal of course is to secure a job for the students.
To sum up, from the point of view of Gymnázium – Gimnázium Kráľovský Chlmec the 2-day project meeting was not only enriching and educational, but also inspiring and giving many ideas to implement in our school in spite of not being a vocational school.